“सुचना र समाचारको विस्वासिलो आधार, सत्य तथ्य र निष्पक्ष एन सञ्चार” भन्ने मुलमन्त्रलाइ आत्मासाथ गर्दै नवलपरासीको कावासोतीबाट नवलपरासी पुर्वकै पहिलो ब्यवसायिक अनलाइन मिडियाको रुपमा स्थापित यस एन.सञ्चार मिडिया आफुमा एक निष्पक्ष र तटस्थ अनलाइन मिडिया कम्पनी हो ।
Nsanchar Media Pvt. Ltd. is a Nepali online media company based in Kawasoti Nawalpur, Nepal. It was established in 2071 BS (2014 AD) is the first private digital online media company in Nawalpur district. The company operates an online radio service which broadcast 24 hours a day with songs.
The radio plays a variety of music genres, it might include Nepali pop, rock, classical, folk, and more. The radio is accessible online through Hamro Patro, Nepali Patro and other radio apps,
as well as through the company’s website www.nsancharonline.com we also offer other digital media services such as recording and final audio work, videography, music video production, profile creation, documentary production, teleserial, movie production, and more.
We have a Company registration number 262477 under Nepal government, Department of Information Technology. registration Number was 2945. We can be contacted through our phone number 9857077744, Email nsancharmedia@gmail.com. We have presence on various social media platforms like Youtube: Nsanchar TV, Facebook Page : Nsanchar media and Advertising agency. We have also have a N Sanchar Online Radio, We have also have a Sound cloud :Nsanchar Media.
एन.सञ्चार मिडिया प्रा.लि. कावासाेती, नवलपुर दर्ता नम्बर:- २६२४७७